When a HITECH breach occurs, the facility must notify which entities?

In the event of a HITECH breach, the facility is required to notify affected individuals, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and, in certain circumstances, the media, according to the breach notification requirements outlined in the HITECH Act, thereby ensuring transparency and appropriate action in response to the unauthorized disclosure of protected health information (PHI). The occurrence of a HITECH breach invokes a set of regulatory obligations and mandates that require adherence to legal frameworks designed to safeguard the privacy and security of PHI. The HITECH Act, an important component of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, introduced amendments to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), imposing higher standards and penalties for breaches involving electronic health information.

Upon the identification of a HITECH breach, healthcare facilities are compelled to execute a well-defined process of notification to pertinent entities, an important step in the overall strategy to manage and mitigate the consequences of the breach. The entities that must be notified include affected individuals, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), and, under specific circumstances, the media. Each part of this notification process is guided by regulatory requirements aimed at promoting transparency, safeguarding the rights of individuals, and maintaining the integrity of the healthcare information system.

The notification process revolves around the principle of informing affected individuals promptly. This is not just a procedural formality but an ethical requirement designed to give individuals the knowledge of a breach concerning their PHI. The notification to affected individuals must be accomplished without unreasonable delay and no later than 60 days following the discovery of the breach. The content of the notification must be concise, clear, and written in plain language, to help the recipient understand the nature and consequences of the breach.

Crucially, the notification to affected individuals should encompass specific details, including a description of the nature of the breach, the types of PHI involved, the steps individuals should take to mitigate potential harm, and measures undertaken by the healthcare facility to investigate the breach, mitigate harm, and prevent future occurrences. This comprehensive approach not only aligns with regulatory mandates but also underscores a commitment to transparency and accountability.

Healthcare facilities are obligated to notify the Secretary of HHS regarding the occurrence of a breach. The timeline for notifying the Secretary mirrors that of individual notifications, with notifications required without unreasonable delay and no later than 60 days from the discovery of the breach. The notification to the Secretary must be submitted electronically through the HHS website and should include specific details such as the nature of the breach, the PHI elements involved, and the mitigating measures implemented by the healthcare facility.

The HHS notification serves several purposes. It enables HHS to aggregate and analyze breach data at a macroscopic level, giving a greater understanding of the changes in health information security. It positions HHS to respond promptly to potential systemic issues or upcoming trends that may compromise the integrity of health information. It facilitates the execution of HHS’s mandate to enforce and ensure compliance with the HITECH Act, contributing to the goal of maintaining a secure health information environment. In circumstances where a breach involves the PHI of 500 or more individuals, healthcare facilities are obligated to notify prominent media outlets serving the affected jurisdiction. This provision highlights the recognition that breaches of a certain magnitude have the potential to impact the community, and public awareness is instrumental in enabling collective vigilance and engagement. The media notification, like individual and HHS notifications, must be effected without unreasonable delay and no later than 60 days following the discovery of the breach.

The content of the media notification is subject to specific requirements, including a concise description of the breach, the types of PHI affected, and contact information for individuals to seek additional details or clarifications. By involving the media, the notification process extends beyond individual accountability to a societal dimension, acknowledging the collective stake and responsibility in preserving the confidentiality and security of health information. The notification process represents the many challenges posed by HITECH breaches. Beyond the regulatory mandates, healthcare facilities need to adopt a strategic approach to breach management. This involves the formulation and implementation of breach response plans, ongoing staff training to ensure swift detection and reporting of breaches, and periodic risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities in the information security infrastructure.

The aftermath of a breach demands a concerted focus on ameliorative measures, ranging from providing affected individuals with resources and support to mitigate potential harm to conducting thorough investigations to ascertain the root causes of the breach and implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence. The efficacy of breach response extends beyond mere compliance; it is a test of an organization’s commitment to patient privacy, data security, and ethical stewardship of health information.


The notification process following a HITECH breach is a responsive action of legal mandates, ethical requirements, and strategic considerations. By notifying affected individuals, the Secretary of HHS, and, when warranted, the media, healthcare facilities fulfill the regulatory obligations and demonstrate a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the preservation of public trust in the healthcare system. As health information technology continues to evolve, the need for stringent breach management remains important in the framework of safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of health information.