How can you file a report with OSHA?

To file a report with OSHA, you can either submit an online form through the official OSHA website, call the OSHA toll-free hotline at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742), or visit your nearest OSHA office in person, providing detailed information about the workplace safety or health hazard you want to report.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) helps to ensure the well-being of employees across various industries, including healthcare, by enforcing regulations that safeguard workers from occupational hazards. Healthcare professionals need to understand the process of filing a report with OSHA when encountering situations that compromise workplace safety or health standards.

OSHA Reporting RequirementsKey Steps
Filing Method 1: Online SubmissionVisit the official OSHA website.

Access the online reporting form.

Complete all required fields accurately.

Provide detailed information about the healthcare facility, including name, address, and industry classification.

Clearly articulate the nature of the hazard, its location, and potential risk factors.

Specify any immediate corrective actions taken.

Filing Method 2: Hotline CommunicationCall the OSHA toll-free hotline at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742).

Be prepared to offer details about the hazard during the call.

Utilize the direct line of communication for real-time interaction with OSHA representatives.

Seek guidance from hotline personnel on the reporting process.

Report urgent situations that require immediate intervention.

Filing Method 3:

In-Person Reporting

Locate the nearest OSHA office.

Contact the office beforehand to confirm procedures for walk-in reports.

Visit the OSHA office in person.

Provide all pertinent details about the hazard during the visit.

Ensure information is organized and readily accessible.

Information ContentMaintain objectivity in the report, distinguishing between facts and interpretations.

Avoid embellishments that may compromise the integrity of the report.

Emphasize the severity of the hazard and the urgency for intervention.

Include details on affected employees if applicable.

Clearly describe the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Confidentiality and Anti-RetaliationUnderstand OSHA’s commitment to confidentiality.

Know that OSHA protects the identity of individuals who report workplace hazards.

Be aware of OSHA regulations that prohibit employers from retaliating against employees who report safety concerns.

Report any instances of retaliation promptly to OSHA.

Post-Submission EngagementRespond promptly to any OSHA requests for additional information during the investigation.

Maintain open communication with OSHA throughout the investigation process.

Cooperate with OSHA investigators and, if necessary, allow on-site inspections.

Understand the investigation outcome and any recommended corrective actions.

Collaborate with OSHA to implement effective corrective measures.

Documentation and OrganizationDocument all relevant details about the hazard before initiating the report.

Keep records of the hazard description, location, and any immediate corrective actions.

Organize information systematically to facilitate a smooth reporting process.

Ensure that facts are presented clearly and concisely.

Compliance with OSHA RegulationsFamiliarize yourself with OSHA regulations applicable to your industry.

Ensure that the report aligns with OSHA’s guidelines and requirements.

Follow OSHA’s prescribed procedures for reporting hazards in your specific workplace.

Stay informed about any updates or changes to OSHA reporting protocols.

Figure 1: Things to Know When Filing a Report With OSHA

The first step in reporting a workplace safety concern to OSHA involves gathering information about the hazard. This information should include a detailed description of the hazard, its location within the healthcare facility, and any potential risk factors associated with it. Be specific and thorough in documenting the nature of the hazard, as this will assist OSHA in assessing the situation.

After compiling pertinent details, go to the official OSHA website, which is the platform for initiating a report. The OSHA website offers a user-friendly online reporting form that guides individuals through the process. Access the form and ensure all required fields are accurately completed. Provide precise information about the healthcare facility, such as its name, address, and industry classification, as OSHA tailors its response based on the specifics of the reported concern. When completing the online form, provide the details of the hazard with clarity. Elaborate on the circumstances surrounding the incident, potential consequences, and any immediate corrective actions taken. If applicable, furnish information about affected employees, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the urgency for intervention.

Alternatively, if online submission is not feasible, healthcare professionals can opt to report concerns by calling the OSHA toll-free hotline at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742). A direct line of communication with OSHA representatives allows for real-time interaction, facilitating the prompt conveyance of information. During the call, be prepared to provide the same details about the hazard as required in the online form. OSHA hotline personnel are trained to guide individuals through the reporting process and can address queries regarding the submission. In circumstances where an immediate response to the hazard is necessary, healthcare professionals should not hesitate to contact OSHA directly through the hotline. Urgent situations may require swift intervention to mitigate risks and protect the well-being of workers.

For those who prefer a more personal approach, visiting the nearest OSHA office in person is an alternative method of filing a report. OSHA offices are strategically located across the United States, and a visit allows for face-to-face interaction with OSHA officials. Prior to visiting, it is advisable to contact the relevant OSHA office to confirm their specific procedures for handling walk-in reports. Be prepared to provide all details about the hazard during the visit, ensuring the information is organized and readily accessible.

Regardless of the reporting method chosen, the information provided to OSHA should be complete and objective. Objectivity is important, as OSHA relies on accurate and unbiased data to assess the validity of the reported concerns. Clearly distinguish between facts and interpretations, avoiding any embellishment that may compromise the integrity of the report.

Once the report is submitted, OSHA initiates an investigation to assess the validity of the reported hazard. OSHA investigators may contact the healthcare facility for additional information and may conduct on-site inspections to evaluate the workplace conditions. Throughout the investigation process, maintain open communication with OSHA, promptly responding to any requests for further information.

Confidentiality is a part of the OSHA reporting and investigation process. OSHA is committed to protecting the identity of individuals who report workplace hazards, ensuring that healthcare professionals can voice concerns without fear of retaliation. OSHA regulations prohibit employers from retaliating against employees who report safety concerns, and OSHA gives such allegations serious consideration, conducting thorough investigations into any claims of retaliation.

Upon concluding the investigation, OSHA provides a detailed report outlining its findings and any recommended corrective actions. The healthcare facility is then expected to address the identified hazards promptly. OSHA may collaborate with the facility to develop and implement effective corrective measures to create a safer and healthier work environment.


Healthcare professionals should know the process of filing a report with OSHA, giving attention to details, and adhering to established procedures. Whether utilizing the online reporting form, contacting the OSHA hotline, or visiting an OSHA office in person, what’s important is providing accurate, complete, and objective information about the identified workplace hazard. OSHA’s commitment to confidentiality and the prohibition of retaliation ensures that healthcare professionals can actively contribute to the enhancement of workplace safety without compromising their well-being. By actively participating in the reporting process, healthcare professionals can ensure OSHA compliance, creating and maintaining safe and healthful working conditions for all.